Shut up.
Yet again England is infested with foot-and-mouth disease. Somewhere in Surrey, which may or may not be in Wales, surprised farmers discovered their cows were mad.
Well, Well good ol`chap lads from England. Surprised? I am not! For years the world has been kept in the dark. You know what I`m talking about. The grim truth about generations of Royal inbreeding.
Last time you Lads had mad cows you told the world you got rid of it all. I guess you forgot to mention, you didn`t get rid of the source itself. It is the time to end this charade.
Prince Charles IS the mouth-and-foot disease! Have you ever noticed how he always keeps his left (or maybe right) hand in his pocket at all times? You look mighty scared there Charlie chap! Hiding something?

Last weekend in Ireland, while Charles was wearing their traditional costume, he slipped up. Revealing.. the hoof!

I know you have lived in shame England. This must have been an unbearable secret.
But it`s okay. You are our allies, and as long as you keep his highness hooves away from the cows until we can setup a laser defense in the Atlantic, we don`t mind.
no more beefeater for me ;D
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