This crap made me and my friend Jack talk about this big joke event called Olympic Games. Come on people ... what a load of ... athletics pumped with God only knows are competing in different athletics events which no normal person are interested in otherwise. Just look at these events;
Discus throw - women

This is a representative specimen for a women discus thrower. The event ... throwing a large disc into a field isn´t all that exciting, and my friends ... it doesn´t get better when you´re not sure which gender it´s on the field.

When the fuck are you intrested in some fags shooting arrows on a colorful board. Jesus holy crap ... this is a medieval weapon. Hello ... update a bit ... lets shoot the crap of some boards with automatic rifles.
Look .. it´s not even a bow ... it´s a fuckin science fiction messure device with a corny string. Crappy event!

Look at this group of "athletics" .. they all seem to have dropped some doodle in their pants and can´t run properly.
Why the fuck are you competing in an event which the point is to take you as fast as you can from start to goal, but here is the thing ... you are FORBIDDEN to run! Come on!
This is the sport for geeks (it´s not even a sport).
This is one of the things why I don´t like this friendly event (yeah right .. lets be friends for a while .. the whole world). Look where they are going to have this spectacle 2008 ... in fuckin CHINA ... the last fuckin Communist land in the world. It´s so many things about that country that stinks (and I don´t talk about the dogeating thing you dumbass) and the committee for the Olympic Games pointed a straight finger at China and told them what they have to do if they were going to be host for the Olympic Games. Have they done anything ? ... not really. Do we hear anything from the olympic committee ... nooo ... do you know WHY?

Talk about dirty money. Jack and myself are sitting on our asses and remember the good old days with opponents like Soviet Union (CCCP) and East Germany (DDR). There you had some letters you could relate your hatred to. Now every country cheats and USA goes home with most medals anyway ... it´s just no fun.
What does the Olympic rings stands for now?

Blue: This is the color of the blood that runs through all the members of the Olympic committee.
Yellow: Is the color of what you and me have to drink when the games are running.
Black: Is what trades under the tables whenever this symbol are involved.
Green: Is the color of what this is really all about.
Red: The color of the athletics way to make progress.
So the fuckin Olympic Games ... stick it up in your behind and leave my summer alone.